Saturday 26 January 2013

10 Rules for Marriage management

10 Rules for Marriage Management.jpg

1.    In Relation, There is always a scope to reform and rebuild the communication.
2.    Duration of marriage and increase in age will not hamper the sexual interest.
3.    Love is a matter of feeling, but feeling needs to be expressed.
4.    To live as husband and wife is living together, but this should not be on the cost of individual’s own living style.
5.    Living together as husband and wife does not mean to get suppressed by responsibilities but it is wise to be together and carry the responsibility together.
6.    It is not necessary to always prove your view to the life partner but need to take his or her opinion and try to analyze and react softly to his or her views.
7.    In relation, it is not necessary that a third person gets involved for say “short lived” period is a person who can break the relationship you have with your partner, that person is like a tempest which comes and goes.
8.    In relation to prolong the trust, never try and impose ownership on your partner, give space for breathing which will build a TRUST
9.    Rather being perfect partner, always try to be a partner who is full of love.
10.    If you desire your partner to behave in a manner that you like, try and behave with your partner the way you expect him/her to behave.


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